Tag Archive: friends

May 1st

I had friends over tonight as a final hurrah for the year. So many people came, it was crazy fun. Crazy but tame fun. I was most excited about my photo friends coming. I know I’ve said it before but really, I freaking love these people. I am going to miss them so crazy much. They all have amazing personalities and we always have fun together whether it’s at a party, over night in the digital lab, or in class. Continue reading

April 28th

To celebrate Capstone being over, a couple of my classmates and I went to McNellie’s for $3 burger night. Before going to McNellie’s our professor took us to O’Connell’s and bought a round of dollar domestics. It was great to hangout with everyone. I wish we had become closer friends before now. They are all amazing people and I am honored to have them in my life. Continue reading

April 5th

It’s Erin’s birthday! Not my sister, Erin, my roommate, Erin. I know it can get confusing. Erin’s(roommate) birthday is today and Erin’s(sister) birthday is Friday. We met up at the Mont along with some other friends. It was fun, we shared stories, and jokes. Continue reading

March 27th

Yesterday was my birthday and it was a lot of fun. To celebrate, we invited people over to hangout. At first just a few people from class came by. About half an hour later people just kept coming. Every time I turned around there was someone else there to say hi to. It was awesome! Continue reading

February 21st

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January 23rd

Tonight, I went to the PANAM party with my roommates and some of their friends. From left to right; Jordan, Kelley, and Paul. Panam is a student organization for international students. They put on a party once a month and people always they have a great time. None of us had ever been before so we wanted to give it a try. It turned out being really fun. We all had a good time. Before we left, they did some modeling in the kitchen.

January 6th

I played a game of Uno tonight with three of my best friends. It was just one game but it took a realllly long time, it seemed. We played where you keep drawing cards until you find the color or number that can be played. Needless to say, we had to draw a lot of cards. We were ruthless on each other. We ganged up on each other and talked smack just like best friends do. Continue reading